
Wednesday 15 January 2014

Good to be here

Three hours drive, three hours in Bristol Airport, three hours flight with Mr Ryanair and here we are - back in the Algarve to visit a wonderful family plus their equally wonderful friend plus their pretty cool dogs and cat.

It's good to be here.  Good to have a different window view as I sit down to attempt some work.  Blossom already showing on one of the trees.

A different kind of quiet. Not a lonely one... I can look out the window and see various caravan/vans parked around the old Portuguese house and know friends are sleeping and later we will talk and eat and laugh and look back and look forward.

And there is no rush because we're here all week.  So it's OK to be a bit quiet at first.  To take a breath and inhale the less-cold air and just be glad to be here.

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